Services and Retreats
For individuals, families, groups, and corporate training
About Our Services
About Our Services
Our services are based on God’s word and on the principles and neurobiology of Natural Lifemanship ™ principals, with a deep growing knowledge of trauma informed care, we partner with horses to create a space for individuals and groups to learn and practice the principles that create healing, safety and success going forward.
What We Help People Face
What We Help People Face
Ptsd/trauma. Depression, Anxiety, mood disorders/bi-polar, special needs, autism, Domestic Violence*, ChildAbuse*, grief, family separation.
Difficulty with: socializing, boundaries, feeling out of control, feeling fearful & anxious, feeling irritable and angry, deciscion-making, poor performance at school or work, difficulty maintaining relationships/friendships
3-Day Retreats
3-Day Retreats
Intensive Trauma Retreat
Intensive Trauma Retreat
This is a brief item description.
Women's Retreat
Women's Retreat
This is a brief item description.
Marriage Retreat
Marriage Retreat
This is a brief item description.
Pastor Retreat
Pastor Retreat
This is a brief item description.
Men’s Retreat
Men’s Retreat
This is a brief item description.
Holy Spirit/Exchanged Life Retreat
Holy Spirit/Exchanged Life Retreat
This is a brief item description.